February 6, 2024

How many stand crew (or employees) do I need for my stand?

How much stand surface do I need for an exhibition? How many employees do I need for my stand?  Would I need employees? These are frequently asked questions with a relatively simple answer. All it requires for you to answer are specific questions that can push you in the right direction […]

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Types of Stands in an Exhibition

Gone are the days where traditional advertising was the sole medium of advertising. Though with the advent of technology, communication tactics have emerged, face-to-face communication still holds an important role in building relationships. That is why; exhibitors have now turned more […]

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5 Modern Technologies to Make your Exhibition Booth Stand Out

Exhibiting at any trade show is worth the effort if you get enough visitors. And thus, your exhibition stand needs to be unique. Make your exhibition presence soar! Utilize cutting-edge technology to make sure you stand out from the competition.  Using immersive technology solutions such […]

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15 Quick Tips for a Successful International Exhibition

Being an exhibitor calls for an overall expert who can look at everything from a wide perspective. But when you plan to exhibit internationally, there are a number of things to keep in mind. Right from knowing the local language to being familiar with the local exhibition norms, you have […]

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February 5, 2024

The Ultimate Guide for First-time Exhibitors

Preparing for a trade show can be daunting, especially for the ones who are exhibiting for the first time. But don’t worry, remember that exhibiting at an exhibition is a marketing activity and therefore, as a business, it is essential to put your best foot forward in terms of marketing […]

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Importance of Participating in Trade shows for Small Business

Who says exhibiting is only for large companies and brands? Exhibiting is a great way even for small businesses to build relationships, strengthen their brand, and generate sales as it offers great exposure opportunities to industry leaders and highly-engaged customers. And as trade […]

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